For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents:

I think the concern that web2py is a one-man framework and how the
makes enterprises (big guys) adopt web2py is a valid concern.
Although in theory, people can simply fork web2py when Massimo no
longer commits to the project, for whichever reason, from a
bystander's point of view, it doesn't seem that easy.  I am not
talking about a legal perspective, I am talking about the meat of the
matter.  When I look at web2py's project on Google, there are a dozen
developers.  And most of the fixes are done by Massimo.  And I maybe
wrong, but I don't think web2py has a #2 guy yet (in terms of intimate
technical know-how or time commitment).   So the question: who can
take over web2py, if Massimo no longer commits to it for whatever
reason?  It is not clear.   So I think this concern is legit.

At the same time, I think forming legal entities might not effectively
address this concern.  It might even hurt it with much legal and
administrative overhead.   Drupal did not form any legal entity until
it was really established with hundreds of developers and thousands

I think the real concern is that we need #2, #3, etc. guys, who know
web2py as much as Massimo.  I don't have an answer to this, but I
think one way has to do with documentation, or rather a platform that
assists developers to really understand the inner workings of web2py
to make it really natural for them contribute when something goes

Drawing a lesson from Drupal, it has a beatiful API documentation
system, a beautiful bug reporting mechanism.  And it is a magnitude
more complex than web2py.

In summary, I think one way to address this concern is establish a
platform so that it really helps developers learn about the inner
workings of web2py, fix and report bugs, etc.

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