To clarify, what I am saying is, no change to current release system,
except to label stable and testing branches. It's a little like the
branches of Debian Linux

web2py probably don't need so many branches.

On Dec 23, 11:52 am, Luther Goh Lu Feng <> wrote:
> I think the suggested versioning works great
> What I suggest is perhaps label the latest release as the testing
> branch eg 1.91 is the testing branch. 1.90 will be the stable branch.
> These will of course increment by 0.01 in the next web2py release.
> In the admin panel, have the option for the user to upgrade/downgrade
> to/from the testing/stable branches.
> On Dec 23, 11:07 am, VP <> wrote:
> > In my humble opinion, the word "Enterprise" demands a more systematic
> > approach to dealing with this issue.  I think the simplest way is
> > perhaps has a numbering scheme that is understood by everyone.  For
> > example, increment the third number (e.g. from 1.90.2 to 1.90.3) only
> > for bug fixes, and increment the second number (e.g. from 1.90.3 to
> > 1.91.0) for major releases or addition of new features.

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