On Oct 20, 10:32 pm, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Isn't campaigning during the voting process electioneering? Seems
> inappropriate for this competition, too. I think you made your choice
> clear during the design submission phase. Let's let this vote be a
> clean one, please.

Sorry if my suggestion came across the wrong way. My point was not to
persuade people who don't already like logo #5 to support it (note,
the subject is addressed to _supporters_ of the current logo, not
everyone). Rather, my point was to avoid likely vote-splitting, which
would dilute the legitimate existing support for that design concept.
There are 6 variations of the #5 concept (7 if you count the one with
wings) -- if people who like that concept split their votes among the
variants, it could lose the vote even if it is actually the most
popular concept.

We have already discussed the flaws in the current voting method, but
it has not been changed, so I'm suggesting the next best alternative,
which is for supporters of a given concept to converge on the single
best representative of that concept. This will maximize the chance
that the winning logo will actually be the one with the most support.
I hope this is not considered inappropriate.



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