If the ticket is "unrecoverable" it means web2py started (was
readable) but was not able to write on the filesystem. So the ticket
was not storead anywhere.
Make sure the user who runs web2py has permission to write into the
web2py/applications" folder. If you run as www-data

cd web2py
chown -R www-data:www-data applications


On Sep 3, 11:43 am, VP <vtp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> followed the instructions to install it on a ubuntu (10.04) server.
> AFter installation, I opened up the link to: welcome/default/index
> this is the error:
> Internal error
> Ticket issued: unrecoverable
> ==
> I couldn't view the ticket on the browser and I have no idea where
> that ticket is on the server.
> Any idea?
> Thanks,

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