On Aug 26, 4:59 am, Neveen Adel <nevo.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks All for ur replies :)
> @Thadeus Burgess
> please how can i invoke this code once the magnetic card is entered ?

The excellent jQuery library that Thadeus linked to shows full example
use -- just change their use of reader.cardRead to do whatever you
want and you'll be set for mag-stripe cards.  The example there
actually plugs into an existing form really well -- you only need to
make, for example, a hidden input element in it with id="card_number"
and whatever name you want to submit to your server.

Keep in mind though that a *barcode* reader may not have sentinels,
and if so, would simply not work using that library without

> Thanks in Advance
> Neveen

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