A common occurrence is for barcode readers to simply 'type' the decoded value as if it were a keyboard, if there isn't some (usually proprietary) software running that steals that input on the driver-api level.
Note that this also commonly occurs with many magnetic card readers -- no special software needed, as it acts like a USB Human-input-device by default. In such a case (assuming the browser window has focus), you can just read key events on the document object in javascript -- after a hardcoded input length has been read, or a timeout of say 1 second since the last 'keypress', you submit an ajax event. However, distinguishing between the barcode reader and a *real* keyboard is something you have to watch out for. On the other hand, you can intentionally not distinguish between *real* and barcode-reader 'keyboards', and transparently handle manually typed barcodes when it won't scan. The simplest solution is just to make a regular text input that you give focus to when the page loads so that the user can see the value that's being scanned. ---- If you are using proprietary software or whatever, then it does get really tricky and Alexey and Michele's advice is as good as it gets unless you want to write a Java applet or ActiveX control, for example. On Aug 25, 3:59 am, Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote: > Is the barcode reader connected on the same machine running web2py? > > If yes you just need to create a function in the controller that you > can call and reads the value and puts it in the session or > where you need. > something like this (it will be more complex depending on hw): > > def barcoderead: > barfile = file('<barcode device>', 'r') > code = barfile.read() # blocks here until data arrives > barfile.close() > return dict(barcode=code) > > You can callit as a normal > url:http://your.host.name/barcodeapplication/barcodecontroller/barcoderead > so you > can use anything you like for instance ajax > > hope that helps! > mic > > 2010/8/25 Neveen Adel <nevo.a...@gmail.com>: > > > Hello, > > > Is there a way to connect my web2py application to barcode reader and > > then get the data after passing > > barcode card into the barcode? > > > Thanks in Advance > > > Neveen > >