I am following you and I suspected something like this. Although I was expecting either to work or to send an error. The general quality of web2py made be complacent, I suppose.
About your question, as a user, I would consider that if I respect the order of declaration (blocks from the extending view first), being included or not shouldn't be a problem. if include is simply a textual inclusion, this should works. The last declared block wins. But, ater thinking about this, I feel that blocks -as they are implemented now- are hard to reason about. Because of that, they can used only in simple cases (i.e no includes). They merge too many concepts : a position in the rendering flow, a default function, and the overriding of the function. This said, I don't want to downplay the work done. Other may find it useful. And it is an impressive extension to web2py. On Aug 13, 6:24 pm, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote: > > The question I have which we could keep open for days is exactly *how* > should the template system handle blocks in includes? >