Its a design feature. In the original design talks of the new layout
it was decided blocks should be ignored/not supported for included
templates. Mainly because it is not obvious how the dependencies
between index.html, layout.html and includes.html should be handled,
which block definition gets the priority? There is no way currently
for index.html to know about includes.html because includes.html is
only included in layout.html.

If your with me so far...

Also the parser works from the ground up.

first it parses index.html, loads all of the blocks, takes a note of
extends layout.html.
after finishing with index.html, it will go parse layout.html
as soon as it detects an includes, it goes to ask includes.html to
render itself, and it sticks the content produced right in line,
meaning includes.html has no knowledge of blocks either

The question I have which we could keep open for days is exactly *how*
should the template system handle blocks in includes?


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Lionel Barret <> wrote:
> he content of the blocks if coming from an included view are
> displayed twi

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