This is an important release. There are many small but very important changes:
- Usual bug-fixes. - New welcome app with better look, superfish menu and jQuery 1.4.2 - Increased security. It means you can place {{=....}} inside tag attributes without worry about injections. Thanks Craig Youkins - Last but not least we have incorporate code from Mr Freeze RPX slice into web2py core. You now find these lines in welcome/models/ # from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount # auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register','change_password','request_reset_password'] # auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount(request, api_key='...',domain='...', url = '...') uncomment them, register (for free) with ( and fill-in api_key, domain, and url (your complete exposed login url). You can add those 3 lines to any existing app. They allow your users to login in your web2py app with any of the janrain supported backends: facebook google, myscape, twitter, linkedin, etc. They require no hacking, and no additional modules. It should work on GAE too but I did not try. If you try please report here. Please report any issue with 1.81.1 Massimo