I have integrated Mr Freeze RPX API into web2py (trunk only). Take your existing app and at the bottom of db.py (or after you define auth) add
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register','change_password','request_reset_password'] auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount( request, api_key="...", domain="...", url = "http://localhost:8000/%s/default/user/login" % request.application) WHERE you can get and api_key and domain by registering (for free) at https://rpxnow.com you choose the domain (has to be unique) and they give you the api_key. The url is the URL of the login page itself as visible to your visitors. If you do not define your own db.auth_user table this is all you need. If you define your own table, add a new field to it: Field('registration_id', length=512,writable=False, readable=False, default='') Then visit the login page and viola' you can login with OpenID, Google, etc etc. You can add UP to 6 methods for free using the rpxnow.com interface. For more methods, you need to pay (I am not affiliated with them and I get no profit but I like their system) PLEASE TRY IT AND REPORT ANY PROBLEM. I would like to release 1.81.1 with this tomorrow so I can show it at EuroPython Saturday. Massimo