On Jun 26, 12:46 pm, Swell <swel...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Yes i am using web2py 1.79.2 on windows 7 64b
> Can someone try to save the web2py files in a very long directory name
> ( something like 200 characters ) and use the kind of filename i
> provided ( long ) and see what is happening on mac/linux?

Sorry - I replied a little too soon - I assume you _read_ this thread,
saw I tried your filename on mac, without problems.

> I am doing local tests only , it means that the file are on my local
> drive with these names so the fs can handle them properly.
> Python may have a pb or the admin interface code don t expect such a
> long FILEPATHNAME (base dir + filename ) .

The only thing I didn't post for you was the _file_ path name:


Add the filenames generated, as I put in previous posts, and you have
your answer for mac snow leopard, at least.

I do not think this has anything to do with admin interface code not
handling length of filename, although there might be something that
could be done about error detection (assuming the windows version
file / os utilities are sending up an exception).

Still - I question the IOError and generated filename you originally
posted (I don't see any way that filename could have been generated
from the web2py code, even if there were an error).

If someone has access to a Windows 7, and is willing to try to
reproduce this with a _clean_ web2py (I suggest the source
version),    please report details.

- Yarko

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