Perhaps you can give us a few more specifics about your system, and
your test methods.

It seems that there is a filename limit of 226 (?) characters, and a
path limit of 255 characters on FAT32 filesystems (although brief
googling shows some inconsistent data).

In any case, there should be a specific error code - it would be good
to see if this makes it through back into python, and then ensure we
are doing appropriate exception catching.

Thank you,

- Yarko

On Jun 25, 3:39 am, Swell <> wrote:
> Ok i have been able to reproduce the bug ,
> it works perfectly if the web2py tree is in c:\
> it doesnot if it is copied on the desktop(C:\Users\M\Desktop\web2py)
> so it seems that it is related the filenamepath(basename+filename)

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