Just do

def contact():
     if form.accepts(....)
     return form # not dict(form=form)

and in layout.html


On Jun 18, 11:26 am, Julius Minka <j...@minka.sk> wrote:
> I need a contact form (name, address,...) on every page of a web site.
> Thinking about putting the form into layout.html and use some Ajax to
> send entered values to be processed by a controller. I would like to
> avoid page reload on form submission.
> I found 2 possible solutions in the archive:
> 1.http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/f162f35e4a...
> Is this incomplete? How process function is called?
> 2.http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/82fad17e26...
> I ran application mentioned in the thread. This is probably close, but
> complicated.
> What is good and simple approach to this issue? I do not have much
> experience with Ajax.
> Thanks
> Julius

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