This conversation thing could be handy for my inventory app... I just made use of session but the user starting new conversations to get the info to continue the original... after that we can't trust the info in session.xxxx ... :-o
On jún. 11, 15:10, pierreth <> wrote: > On 11 juin, 01:14, mdipierro <> wrote: > > > yes but people don't just navigate by submitting forms. they also > > navigate by clicking links. The only way to keep a conversation would > > be to store a token in request.args(0) and keep it there in all links. > > Still the conversation is fragile and ends if the user types in a url > > without the token. > > The navigation of a conversation is made with forms using posts and > redirects so there are no arguments used because there is no get. If > the user click a link or enter a new url he can return to the > conversation using the back button (the page must comes from the > browser's cache to get the value of the hidden field). If the user > returns to the conversation by typing the url of the page of the > conversation he has left, then the hidden field is not there to tell > which conversation is active. In that case, the user is redirect to > the first page of the conversation. There he can start a brand new > conversation or he can continue an older conversation if the page > lists all the available conversations to join in. > > If the user close a window during a conversation, a Javascript call > may end the conversation. > > > On Jun 11, 12:04 am, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote: > > > > That is where the hidden input field with a custom hash comes into > > > play I think....? > > Yes, this is the purpose of the hidden field.