That is where the hidden input field with a custom hash comes into
play I think....?


On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:00 AM, mdipierro <> wrote:
> The only issue is that if you have two browser windows open I do not
> know of a mechanism to identify from which of the two windows a
> request arrives since the cookies are the same.
> On Jun 10, 11:39 pm, pierreth <> wrote:
>> On 10 juin, 19:14, mdipierro <> wrote:
>> > Interesting. How do you think this can be implemented?
>> Well, before thinking about the implementation, we must understand the
>> concepts involved.
>> So let's start with the idea of scope. The scope defines the time a
>> peace of information is kept. Information in application memory is
>> present a certain scope. From the shortest to the longest, scopes form
>> a hierarchy. One scope is included in the life time of another. We may
>> have:
>> - Request scope (exists the time it takes to process the request)
>> - Conversation scope (the time of a conservation)
>> - Session scope (as we already know)
>> - Application scope (from the server start up to its shutdown)
>> - Business process scope (scope usually involving many actors and that
>> can last for many months, this state has to be saved and restored
>> between server shutdowns)
>> The conversation scope deserves more explanation. This is the scope to
>> use for example when a user wants to reserve a hotel room. The user
>> goes through a set of pages to do its reservation (he can also use the
>> back button if he change his mind). He can open a new window and do
>> another reservation in parallel. The application keep a different
>> state for each window. This is what we call a conversation.
>> In the application, we need an object to read and write in these
>> scopes. Let's called it the 'scope resolver' or 'resolver' for short.
>> Instead of using the session, we use the resolver. The resolver looks
>> for a property in the shortest long living scope to find the value of
>> a property. If it does not find the value at one scope, it looks at
>> the next longer living scope. It continues like that up the longest
>> scope. If nothing is found in the whole lookup process, it returns
>> 'None'.
>> To begin and end scoping processes, I think we can use decorators just
>> like Java uses annotations. We also have to find a way to add a hidden
>> field in the forms to identify them with a specific conversation.
>> All of this was implemented in Java using the interceptor pattern. I
>> know that Web2py has the concept of plug-in (I am new to Web2py). Is
>> it possible to implement all this without modifying Web2py? It could a
>> great occasion to improve the design of the framework if it is not the
>> case.
>> We have a great example with JBoss Seam. Spring Webflow could be
>> inspiring too.
>> So before going in the details, what do think about this idea?

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