Eventually, I intend to open my small business and I'm not that
confident that I will ever get enough market by exclusively working
IT security, my area. I don't neglect the possibility of including
development not only as a way (become web is, for me, the most
powerful interface) but also as an end, even if not an exclusive one.
So, either way I will use web development and when it comes to fruit,
after intense research, I consider web2py the right one to get the
best  juice.

as you all know, I'm an idiot (literally) with many good and bad
always emerging and yet I only share about 10% on this ML so that you
don't get too bored and I don't see my efforts dissolved. I had this
idea some time ago and I even started some work which could be used
retrieve ideas on a possible implementation.

I do think this as a great idea and if it wasn't by Massimo I would
probably neglect it as he, with a Physics background and with his
intense workload still manages to keep web2py in constant evolution
with a very responsive attitude. However, web2py is growing at a rate
that goes beyond any programming wolverine and it's now much more
a program. This is not just a great idea, it's a must, really!!

Best regards,
Francisco Gama T. R.

On May 24, 12:18 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I have some problems:
> 1) people ask me to contribute to more projects that I can handle.
> 2) I am good at kicking off a project (20% of the work) but I am not
> the best person to bring it to production (the other 80%) of the work.
> 3) I want to delegate some of these projects to users I trust. I need
> to better keep track of you, the users, your skills and interests.
> You and I have some problems in common:
> 1)  you are an individual or you own a small consulting company and
> you find hard to compete for large projects
> 2) you want to use web2py but you need to sell web2py before you can
> sell yoru services.
> 3) you need legal help (sample non-disclosure agreement, sample
> contracts, etc.)
> 4) for large projects you need to find people who can help you with
> development (you man need a designer, a coder, a system administrator,
> a GAE expert, etc).
> 5) you want somebody else to handle advertising for you
> I want to help. I want to help you find development jobs, network, and
> compete for larger projects by providing some assistance.
> I am about to create something like an association of web2py
> professionals with a portal that provides web sites for members,
> repository of legal forms, job posting, progress tracking, feedback
> forms, etc. Here is the basic idea: we do not advertise web2py, we
> advertise the association and its members. you find a client? you keep
> all the money. You want to offer your client long term support or code
> review? the association will sell that to the client directly
> directly. You want to be listed as a member? Follow a code of conduct
> (basically use approved tools and ask your clients to review your work
> publicly). You already have a consulting company or an employer? You
> can have the company listed as an associate under some conditions.
> We can turn our group into a large international consulting
> organization overnight. There would be no contract between the
> association and you other than a code of conduct that you will have to
> follow to be listed and that I am about to wrote. You can continue to
> work as an individual or with your existing company. The association
> will just help when you need help.
> The association may also partner with some member to provide venture
> capital in the form of code development (and perhaps money but not
> immediately) for specific projects submitted to the association, in
> exchange of shares.
> I have already incorporated to do this. This will be independent and
> complementary form web2py itself and web2py would not be the only tool
> in the association approved toolkit.
> For now the toolkit will include: web2py, ubuntu, postgresql, jquery,
> and google app engine. You as an individual or a company can provide
> services based on other tools but the association will endorse these
> tools because we can easily find people skilled in them and you, as a
> member, will be required to endorse these tools as good tools and
> demonstrate your skills in some of them (not all of them).
> web2py is a tool. We will all outlive web2py. But we have created
> something important here. A community of skilled professional that
> share some experience. I want to see this grow with web2py and beyond
> web2py later. I want to see us compete with large consulting
> companies. I want to do it using a new business model in which there
> are no shareholders to take a cut of your work since they would not be
> providing any means of production to you (you already own a laptop and
> that is your office), yet I want to provide the other benefits that a
> large corporation can offer (a single image, consistency,
> reliability).
> Not sure if there should be an admission criteria. I could use your
> feedback about this.
> Comments? Thought? You do not have to commit to anything now but who
> is interested?
> Massimo

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