The situation of python on shared web hosting is very sad. Most of
them run CentOS which comes with Python 2.4 (which is 6 years old) and
no mod_pyhton. This is not just a problem for web2py. This is a
problem for all Python users and one that the larger community should
address, perhaps by putting some pressure on the hosting providers and/
or the CentOS team.

On May 22, 11:25 pm, GoldenTiger <> wrote:
> Thank you everybody.
> Gathering information from your answers I can then write that real
> information for Web2Py  about compatibility
> At 23 th May 2010  we have actual version of Web2Py is v1.78.3
> 1- It's compatible with python 2.4 but requires 2 libraries not
> included by default on Python 2.4:
>      - pysqlite
>      - hashlib
>    They can be installed manually
>    If "setuptools" library is installed you can install the required
> libraries using command: "easy_install-2.4 -U pysqlite hashlib"
> 2- Any shared hosting with requirements above should be able to run
> web2py apps
> 3- Web2Py performance at production server:
>      -the main significant difference is that GAE requires that all
> requests must complete in under 30 seconds
>     - a web2py app designed to run in the GAE infrastucture runs as
> well as the same app in a shared hosting
> Thanks again ^

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