This may help:

On May 22, 3:33 am, GoldenTiger <> wrote:
> I have found a lot of contradictorius information about Web2Py
> compatibility along internet, due to changes in diferent version, I
> suposse
> I am trying to installing web2py at Hostgator without sucess , with
> Python 2.4.3
> Sometimes Hostgator Support say NO it is not compatible at shared
> hosting, another times they say me YES it is compatible
> Anyone could install it at a hostgator ?
> Please I would like to know actual information:
> 1- Is there any stable version supporting Python 2.4 actually?  ( May
> 22th 2010 )
> 2- Any extra dependencies necessary?
> 3- About performance on GAE, is it better or equal than shared
> hosting ?
> Thanks !

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