
On 23 Mayıs, 01:38, b00m_chef <r...@devshell.org> wrote:
> I prefer YUI 3. It includes the most revolutionary plugin system.
> Basically, it has a built in apt-get like system where you just list
> all the plugins you are going to include in your app, and YUI 3
> automatically downloads the additional source code and links it to
> your app. Also, it has excellent documentation and is being developed
> by Yahoo (they use it for all their website stuff). Here is the best
> part, it can use jQuery plugins as part of it, and it can be used with
> ExtJS.
> As for a complete widget library, YUI 3 is not all there yet, though,
> you can use ExtJS for widgets, as it is quite solid in that regard,
> and has great support.
> Enjoy!
> On May 22, 1:16 pm, Pepe <pepea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everybody!
> > i'm searching ui frameworks for work with web2py.
> > Here a list that I like to share and please, if you have worked with
> > some, post your evaluation or, if you know another please enlarge the
> > list :D
> > ExtJS Designer:http://www.extjs.com/products/designer/
> > Pivot:  http://pivot.apache.org/index.html
> > WaveMaker:http://wavemaker.com/product/
> > Flash Builder:http://www.adobe.com/products/flashbuilder/ (with
> > pyamf / xml services)
> > GWT Designer:http://www.instantiations.com/gwtdesigner/
> > thanks a lot!
> > Pepe.

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