Massimo, I have a table company, which contains 2000+ company's. Visitors can search for a company and in the query result click the company name, which directs to a details function displaying the company's address and nfa's. Some company managers would like to add a tagline to this details view. So, I added the tagline table to the model:
db.define_table('tagline', Field('company_id',,default='',notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE'), Field('line',length=84,default='',notnull=True), migrate=’tagline.table’) Now, when a manager registers, he should get permission to create,update and delete a tagline for his company. One solution would be to customize the auth_user table and add a field company: auth.settings.table_user=db.define_table('auth_user', Field('company',, default='', notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE', writable=False, readable=False), ...)) In this case I could define a function update_tagline: def update_tagline(): record=db(db.tagline.company_id==auth.user.company_id).select( record_id=record[0].id form=crud.update(db.tagline,record_id,next=(URL(r=request,f='index')),message='',deletable=True) return dict(form=form) This works, however, in my opinion, it interferes too much with web2py's authentication and authorization workflow. Therefore, I had hoped there would be another solution. Like linking user and company in the permissions table, instead of the user table. Kind regards, Annet.