I enabled authentication and have the following entries in the auth_user, auth_group and auth_membership tables:
user.id user.first_name ... 1 Ann 2 Jan group.id group.role 1 user_1 2 user_2 membership.id membership.user_id membership.group.id 1 1 user_1(1) 2 2 user_2(2) Now, I would like to add permissions, the problem is that auth.add_persmission() takes the following arguments: group_id, 'name', 'object', record_id whereas I need to set permissions related to a tables company_id field. I have tables that have the following structure: db.define_table('tagline', Field('company_id',db.bedrijf,default='',notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE'), Field('line',length=84,default='',notnull=True), migrate=’tagline.table’) Now user with user_id 1 and group_id user_1(1) should get the permission to create, update and delete all records in the tagline table that have company_id 443. Is that possible in web2py's, or do I have to customize one of the auth tables to make this possible? Kind regards, Annet.