On May 21, 5:06 am, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> On May 21, 7:00 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:

> > There is much to cover in this - and I suppose reason to be happy that
> > python traditionally hasn't run multi-core.
> > See, for example, the discussions 
> > at:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203912/does-python-support-multipr...
> > andhttp://docs.python.org/library/multiprocessing.html
> > Lots to read! ;-)
> Also read:
>  http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2007/07/web-hosting-landscape-and-modwsgi.html
>  http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2007/09/parallel-python-discussion-and-modws...
> BTW, your prior descriptions about how web2py works under mod_wsgi
> aren't overly accurate. You said:
> """
> In a hosting environment, you have apache/wsgi (for example) running
> a
> wsgi-thred that is web2py - that (main and the stuff in gluon) is
> your
> long-running process (er, thread).   To restart web2py, with wsgi,
> you
> would do what is normal (touch a file) to cause apache to re-start
> that wsgi thread.
> Within web2py, you have a number of threads:  db connection pools,
> and
> application threads;   again, these respond to requests, and are
> spawned off by web2py (not you)
> """
> When run under Apache/mod_wsgi there is not a thread that is dedicated
> to web2py and web2py doesn't have its own threads to respond to
> requests.
> In each Apache or mod_wsgi daemon process, depending on whether you
> are using embedded mode or daemon mode, there is a pool of threads.
> These are C threads, not Python threads and the thread pool is managed
> by Apache or mod_wsgi as appropriate.
> How a connection is accepted depends on Apache MPM or mod_wsgi mode
> being used, but ultimately one of the threads in the thread pool
> processes the request, all still in C code. For embedded mode the
> request may not even be for the WSGI application but be for a static
> file or other dynamic application such as PHP. If daemon mode, or if
> target of request was the WSGI application, only then does Python GIL
> get acquired and the thread tries to call into the WSGI application as
> an external thread calling into the embedded Python interpreter.
> At this point the WSGI application may not have even been loaded, so
> the first request to find that has to load the WSGI script file which
> may in turn load web2py. In this case web2py doesn't do anything
> special. That is, it doesn't go creating its own thread pool and it
> actually must return immediately once it is loaded and initialised.
> Once it returns, the thread calls into the WSGI application entry
> point and web2py handles the request. Any response is thence passed
> back through Apache with the GIL being released at each point where
> this occurs. When complete request is done, the GIL is completely
> released and thread becomes inactive again pending a further request.
> If other requests occur at the same time, they could also call into
> web2py. The only choke point is the initial loading of the WSGI script
> as obviously only want to allow one thread to do that.
> So, web2py doesn't have its own request threads and all calls come in
> from a external threads managed by Apache or mod_wsgi.
> Graham

Thank you, Graham -

Your clarification is clear, and much appreciated!

- Yarko

> > - Yarko
> > > On May 20, 2:12 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On May 19, 6:18 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On May 19, 5:41 pm, amoygard <amoyg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > ....
> > > > > So - in general, you do not start subprocesses - with the exception of
> > > > > cron.   Seehttp://www.web2py.com/book/default/section/4/17
> > > > I might better have said you do not _want_ to be starting subprocesses
> > > > - besides the cost (compute time, memory, etc.), if you generally did
> > > > this.   This (the inneficiency of spawning subrocesses) is why
> > > > stackless  was created - and (among other things) used in a a very
> > > > busy online game.  A lot of thought went into avoiding the costs of
> > > > spawning subprocesses.
> > > > If you haven't heard of it, stackless is an implementation of python
> > > > that does not use the traditional "C" stack for local variables,
> > > > etc.   Among other things, it has added "tasklets" to the language, so
> > > > you can create and schedule tasks - without the overhead of doing so
> > > > in your operating system.   There is a lot of discussion of benefit,
> > > > efficiency.   Although there might be some discussion questioning the
> > > > approach, other alternative approaches, one thing is clear:  the
> > > > motivation to stay away from creating threads / subprocesses, and the
> > > > costs involved.  it might be interesting to read up on it.
> > > > - Yarko
> > > > > - Yarko

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