Now that you mention it, I recall reading in the Python/C API that
Python wasn't really thread-safe and that Python objects shouldn't be
accessed from multiple C threads (they recommended using the Python
threading API which was exposed in the Python/C API instead, but that
didn't interest me as its not true multi-threading).

My solution to this was make my C++ code C++ only and then glue parts
that I wanted to expose to Python so that Python calls on the C++
compiled code, but not the reverse.

Hence, I probably bypassed a large part of the problematic discussed
above by not delving deeply into Python's threading API.

On May 21, 5:00 am, Yarko Tymciurak <>
> On May 21, 3:33 am, Magnitus <> wrote:
> > But if you create "tasks" without doing it at the OS level, doesn't
> > that means that you won't really be able to take full advantage of
> > multi-processor hardware (since the OS handles the hardware and if the
> > OS doesn't know about it, it won't be able to do the required
> > optimizations with the hardware)?
> With the GIL, python itself does not utilize multiple processors, so
> web2py is processor-bound (the only
> effect of multi-core is that the o/s itself can "leave" a core to the
> main python task, e.g.
> it can grab an alternate core... other than that, you're running on
> one core regardless -
> unless you fire multiple instances of python interpreters, in which
> case you are really only
> going to communicate thru services anyway....
> See some of the discussion 
> at,
> ... and so forth...
> > Maybe I've done C/C++ for too long and am trying to micro-manage too
> > much, but a solution to I like to use for the problem of creating/
> > tearing down process threads is just to pre-create a limited number of
> > them (optimised for the number of CPUs you have) and recycle them to
> > do various tasks as needed.
> Well - since you don't have that with python, you run the risk of I/O
> blocking .... which is why really lightweight
> tasklets are so desireable (CCP Games 
> runs
> with many tens of thousands of simultaneous users, if I recall
> correctly, and maintain stackless for this purpose).
> > Of course, that works best when you give your threads/processes longer
> > tasks to perform in parallel (else, the extra cost of managing it will
> > probably outweight the benefits of running it in parallel).
> There is much to cover in this - and I suppose reason to be happy that
> python traditionally hasn't run multi-core.
> See, for example, the discussions 
> at:
> and
> Lots to read! ;-)
> - Yarko
> > On May 20, 2:12 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <>
> > wrote:
> > > On May 19, 6:18 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On May 19, 5:41 pm, amoygard <> wrote:
> > > ....
> > > > So - in general, you do not start subprocesses - with the exception of
> > > > cron.   See
> > > I might better have said you do not _want_ to be starting subprocesses
> > > - besides the cost (compute time, memory, etc.), if you generally did
> > > this.   This (the inneficiency of spawning subrocesses) is why
> > > stackless  was created - and (among other things) used in a a very
> > > busy online game.  A lot of thought went into avoiding the costs of
> > > spawning subprocesses.
> > > If you haven't heard of it, stackless is an implementation of python
> > > that does not use the traditional "C" stack for local variables,
> > > etc.   Among other things, it has added "tasklets" to the language, so
> > > you can create and schedule tasks - without the overhead of doing so
> > > in your operating system.   There is a lot of discussion of benefit,
> > > efficiency.   Although there might be some discussion questioning the
> > > approach, other alternative approaches, one thing is clear:  the
> > > motivation to stay away from creating threads / subprocesses, and the
> > > costs involved.  it might be interesting to read up on it.
> > > - Yarko
> > > > - Yarko- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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