I did not mean at the web2py level. I was thinking for this:

allow your repository to sync with web2py app hosted on launchpad/
bitbucket/github/googlecode. nightly the repository would check if a
new revision is present and check it out and always host the most
updated version. This is before the app gets downloaded by a user and
installed and before there is any data in it.

On May 16, 7:40 pm, blackthorne <francisco....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Some apps may be hosted outside (hg, bzr, git). It would nice to have
> > a mechanism for automatic updates and build of the apps.
> update is remove + download + install
> (unless you want to keep user data which would make things more
> complicated)
> automatic updates also seem to require something else, not existing
> yet. The possibility of defining a method by each app which is
> automatically executed when web2py is invoked or periodically.
> Another way, would be to parse for all apps and retrieve the name, url
> and version parameters from each yaml conf file and search for new
> versions.

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