I guess I should add I made three apps for DePaul University:
1) Computes and projects students headcount, credit hours and revenue
by school and year.
2) Allow students to apply for assistantships and randly assignes them
to faculty for anonymous review
3) A simple class management system for posting assignment, returning
completed assignments and grading. All assignments are in wiki format
and allow latex in text. Uses difflib to check for plagiarism.

On May 13, 7:01 am, szimszon <szims...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made several small apps, and installed a CAS to centralize the
> authentication but there are not enterprise grade...
> I made an Inventory app where we can follow the history of a piece of
> hardware installed and removed from computers, with categories,
> subcategories, sellers, invoice, warranty, e-mail notification...
> An app to track the duty times.
> Some looking glass functionality (mtr, ping, dig, traceroute...)
> I made a program to assist the printing of certificates of wine tests
> (http://linuxbox.hu/node/637) it works for me :)
> On máj. 10, 23:09, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Anthony made some good 
> > points:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/a40b27807edc8603
> > For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> > developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company
> > but you cannot release it open source, would you let us know? Can you
> > tell us what is the software for? Could you provide a screenshot? Can
> > we quote the name of the company?
> > Massimo

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