Interesting observation, Thadeus. Who knows how accurate, but it resonates with me. According to one of the Django developers, Django was designed with the notion that designers and engineers don't mix, so the templating language and syntax are different from the server- side db interface and business logic, which is python, I believe. I'm conjecturing because when I heard that in a lecture, I decided that instant that I wouldn't be using Django.
Web2py, on the other hand, is consistent in its use of python througout, so one person can, indeed, do it all. Web2py won't make up for a lack of design sense, but it does help you avoid having to learn 2 different languages for doing 2 different things, which in my opinion, would be 1 way too many. Bottom line, Anthony, go with web2py. You won't regret it and you might even give yourself a hug and a pat on the back for making such a smart decision.