Wonderful, that's exactly what I was looking for.

Your response does raise one more curiosity for me.  I was using a
dictionary to pass the 'fields' to the view which it doesn't look like
you were doing (record.field).
My method requires each of the table entries to have a field where you
specific the page it's located on.  Then in the controller I pull all
entries for that page and pass the dictionaries to the view.  Finally
in the view I write {{=XML(FieldDict['Field9']['text'])}} which
inserts my text field.

Is that similar to what you were describing?  I've just gotten started
and would hate to build on an initially design with poor efficiency.

On May 3, 1:18 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> On May 3, 1:15 pm, Chris S <sanders.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm sure there's a way to do this, but I'm not using the proper search
> > terms.  I'm wanting to use GAE but want to avoid having to re-upload
> > the app just to change a bit of text on the site.  My first thought
> > was to simply store any dynamic text in a table and edit the table
> > entry.
> > This works great, for plain text.  But if I wanted to including HTML
> > tags they don't perform as I expected.  The tag gets printed in my
> > view instead of getting rendered as I had expected.
> instead of {{=record.field}} do {{=XML(record.field)}} or perhaps
> {{=XML(record.field,sanitize=True)}} if you are worried about XSS
> injections form the text.
> > Am I going about this wrong?  Is there a way to include a field in a
> > view exactly as it is shown in the database?

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