On May 3, 1:15 pm, Chris S <sanders.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm sure there's a way to do this, but I'm not using the proper search
> terms.  I'm wanting to use GAE but want to avoid having to re-upload
> the app just to change a bit of text on the site.  My first thought
> was to simply store any dynamic text in a table and edit the table
> entry.
> This works great, for plain text.  But if I wanted to including HTML
> tags they don't perform as I expected.  The tag gets printed in my
> view instead of getting rendered as I had expected.

instead of {{=record.field}} do {{=XML(record.field)}} or perhaps
{{=XML(record.field,sanitize=True)}} if you are worried about XSS
injections form the text.

> Am I going about this wrong?  Is there a way to include a field in a
> view exactly as it is shown in the database?

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