I agree.

Let's start with this.

If you have submitted a language file and want to volunteer to
maintain it, please volunteer in this thread.

On Apr 29, 5:04 am, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> Hi Massimo and all those who concern about app admin's i18n,
> App admin's i18n translation quality deteriorates from time to time.
> Problems are:
> P1: Volunteer translators somehow forgot to translate a sentence. This
> results in the original english sentense displaying as empty in the
> target language interface. For example, Revision: b2213f5013 's zh-
> cn.py incorrectly discard old translation for the sentence "these
> files are served without processing, your images go here". It happened
> before.https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/3275f693facd1cd0
> P2: Volunteer translators from adjacent but not exactly same areas
> might not notice the subtle difference between their language zones.
> For example, the Chinese in zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw, zh-sg are not fully
> identical. But recent zh-cn.py mixed up with both mandarin and
> cantonese slangs. I guess that is because contributor Jobinson is a
> cantonese (me too), and Zoom (I know him well) speaks native
> mandarin. :-)
> P3: Some are just simply bad translation. For example, in Chinese,
> unlike the English, there is no plural at all, so you just can not
> translate "models" as "模型s" (that means "model" plus "s").
> (Above conclusion is drew from recent change to web2py's chinese
> translation, but I assume other translations contain more or less the
> same problems too.)
> Obviously Massimo don't know every kind of languages, and he doesn't
> have to, so he is not the one to blame. As a systematic approach, I
> suggest we assign only one language editor for each language file. He
> (or she) is responsible to review every new translation to admin/
> languages/his-prefer-language.py, BEFORE its being committed. This can
> address problem #1 and #3.  And we need different volunteers for
> different sub-languages. This addresses problem #2.
> If Massimo gonna maintian a editor-for-language list, feel free to
> count me as zh-cn editor.
> Sincerely,
>              Iceberg, A trilingual in Mandarin, Cantonese, English.
> 2010-Apr-29

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