Feel free to take these requests with a grain of salt... I know most
things with development are easier said than done, but these are just
things I'd really like to see:

When doing tab-completion on web2py functions, I'd like to be able to
see any other possible variables that can be passed to the function.
There really isn't much documentation on a few of these, and sometimes
you have to look up the source code to the function in epydocs to
really find out the different possible options.

Support for the storage class would be awesome.

As far as the IDE itself goes, a VIM mode would be a final selling
point for me.

On Apr 16, 7:25 pm, Mengu <whalb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,
> many of you know that i'm developing a web development IDE that will
> support many frameworks including web2py. so i want to hear your ideas
> and suggestions for both web2py part and the IDE in general.
> your sincerely
> mengu
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en

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