I have no object to gradual rollover. One way that could satisfy from all angles is to have HTTPS configurations default to use Rocket while regular connections use Cherrypy. This would accomplish:

- revealing it to a smaller portion of the web2py user-ship at first
- remove the requirement of compiling both pyOpenSSL and the ssl module

On 3/22/2010 9:44 AM, mdipierro wrote:
I have no objection to having an option and I would take a patch in
this direction but: 1) I prefer to have rocket as default (else we
will never know if there is some obscure problem with it) and, 2) they
should both use ssl and not openssl so I do not have to redo the re-

Right now we have one problem that needs to be fixed first. web2py.exe
-h does not work for

On Mar 22, 9:28 am, Jonathan Lundell<jlund...@pobox.com>  wrote:
On Mar 22, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Timothy Farrell wrote:

web2py could support both but the benefits get lost quickly.  web2py is 
designed to be simple, asking the user to pick which bundled web server they 
would like to use is too much in my opinion.
No need to ask; there'd be a silent default.

I'm thinking mainly of an overlapped transition.

Short or Tall?
Caf or Decaf?
Milk? (steamed?)
For here or To-go?
How would you like your web2py today?
On 3/20/2010 12:39 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
On Mar 20, 2010, at 9:58 AM, Timothy Farrell wrote:
Vasile Ermicioi, put in a vote for Rocket to be included in web2py because I'm 
in the web2py community and there is still plenty of room for Rocket to be 
optimized (which I noted).
I like the idea of built-in servers as plugins (not formally, but the general 
idea of supporting more than one in a simply configured way). The downside is 
that we won't have as focused testing of any one server, but it's compensated 
for by how much easier it would be to include a new server in the release 
without running the risk of breaking existing installations.
As I've said, I don't think that ultimate performance need be a high priority 
for the built-in server; rather, ease of use and rock-solid stability are the 
priorities. And I think I like relying on the SSL package.
My inclination: enable easy server switching. Keep CherryPy the default for at 
least one more release, but make Rocket and sneaky easy to ask for from at 
startup. That'll give those of us who are interested easy access to Rocket in a 
low-risk way. And then at some point, possibly very soon, switch the default to 
Rocket, retaining an easy option for the others as a fallback.
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