> I've just got to read that the yii framework folks share the same
> oppinion as me about backward compatibility and the payoff to mantain it
> for ever.

Of course everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but I would
like to point out that
while maintaining backward compatibility in the long run can lead to
some suboptimal code,
not maintaining backward compatibility in my experience causes
considerable additional
stress for developers using your framework.

Keeping backward compatiblity ensures that your users can upgrade
to the newest version at any time, without fearing the extra time and
effort needed to port to a new software architecture.
Everyone that at some point started to use the framework therefore can
keep benefiting from the latest and greatest features and fixes.
The framework for your web application basically never becomes
outdated/deprecated/... Support for it never has to be gradually
phased out,
leaving the early users in agony...

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