I've just got to read that the yii framework folks share the same oppinion as me about backward compatibility and the payoff to mantain it for ever.

Reading this article <http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6525-yii-1-1-0-is-released/> you can read that they have realased a big mayor version of the framework, now you have to choose what to do with your work: -you can choose to manually upgrade your work using the official guide <http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/upgrade>
-or you can choose to stay at 1.0.x version

They also give you some tips:

If you are already using Yii 1.0 to develop your project which is about half-way done, we suggest you do not upgrade to 1.1 because there are quite some changes that break backward compatibility. You just started a new project, we recommend you upgrade to 1.1 because it will receive most of our maintenance effort from now on. While we will continue to maintain 1.0, we expect it will only receive bug fixes in future.

If you are new to Yii, you should start with 1.1.

Of course it's a personal opinion,

Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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