The problem with framework level plugins is that if you pack the app
and unpack somewhere else then it will not work without the "framework
level" plugin installed separately. I do not think that is something
to encourage. Moreover different apps may reply on different versions
of the plugin and/or need different configuration.

Anyway there are two things that can be done at framework level: 1)
put models in web2py/site-packages 2) framework level models can be
defined in modules and put there also; 3) framework level views and
static file can be stored in a new app designed at hoc for this
purpose and other app can use them too.


On Mar 12, 8:36 am, Alex Fanjul <> wrote:
> Just to clarify it:
> Do we able to conservate my app (rewrited/extended) auth module/model,
> working alongside "superAuth" thadeus plugin, discarding your framework
> plugin and system Auth default one?
> Alex
> El 12/03/2010 15:31, Alex Fanjul escribi :
> > Ok Massimo,
> > I agree with you in it makes no sense to rewrite a lot of web2py code.
> > Apart from that argument in favor, there is another I don't know if it
> > would be satisfied right now with convention:
> > -Imagine you write a *framework level plugin* to subsitute auths (or
> > whatever system feature) views/controllers/models.
> > -Imagine thadeusb write another *application level plugin* to do the
> > same called "superAuth"
> > -Imagine I write an application with an *only modules* extended auth
> > service with some more fields and stuffs.
> > Do we able to conservate my app rewrited/extended auth module/model
> > over "superAuth" thadeus plugin, discarting system default one?
> > Just thoughts,
> > Alex
> > El 12/03/2010 14:01, mdipierro escribi :
> >> The location of plugins is not a backward compatibility issue. From
> >> that point of view, we could relocate plugin files.
> >> The reason I do not want to do is that it is an implementation issue
> >> that requires rewriting a lot of web2py code (particularly for the
> >> bytecode-compile functionality), that will make web2py slower, not
> >> faster, and does not seem to add any new feature (except the
> >> relocation itself).
> >> The only argument I have heard in favor of relocation is in fact that
> >> code will look cleaner with a new plugins location. I do not disagree
> >> but to users of admin things will look exactly the same (because of
> >> the logical location according to admin is already the one you
> >> suggest), to users of the shell models would be scattered and it would
> >> be more difficult to identify order of execution, and you will get a
> >> little bit of cleanness is user code at the expense of lots of dirt in
> >> web2py code (lots of if statements to find out what is where).
> >> I will not do it. If somebody wants to write a fully working proof of
> >> concept implementation to demonstrate that 1) it is not slower; 2) it
> >> can be done without too much extra complexity in web2py source, I may
> >> take the patch.
> >> Massimo
> >> On Mar 12, 4:39 am, Alex Fanjul<>  wrote:
> >>> Hi Massimo,
> >>> I haven't said that plugins should have to depend on others, but they
> >>> should be able to access/play with others to make a trully plugins
> >>> central network, the dependencies are resoluble at highly level with an
> >>> exposed convention API like:
> >>> plugin_most_active_users.requires=['comments-1.x.x', 'auth-2.x.x']
> >>> plugins['tag_cloud'].requires =['tags-1.2.x']
> >>> Its only an idea.
> >>> The backward compatibility breaks with the heritance folder structure
> >>> (as I though you said), isn't it?
> >>> *App Level: (example: plugin for commets)*
> >>> web2py/applications/my_app/plugins/my_plugin/modules/module*.py
> >>> web2py/applications/my_app/plugins/my_plugin/views/views*.py
> >>> web2py/applications/my_app/plugins/my_plugin/controllers/controllers*.py
> >>> web2py/applications/my_app/plugins/my_plugin/static/statics*.jpg
> >>> *Framework Level (example: plugin for ckeditor Editor, or last Wes
> >>> James
> >>> coda helper)*
> >>> web2py/plugins/my_plugin/controllers/controllers*.py
> >>> web2py/plugins/my_plugin/views/views*.py
> >>> The way to ordering load is down-to-up I think, like kohana
> >>> does:,
> >>> Also it's very important the hooks
> >>> <> &  events
> >>> <>  system, as both of you
> >>> (thadeus, Massimo) talked at the end of the chat:
> >>> There is no calling for new Cache system at all...just was an
> >>> example...
> >>> regards,
> >>> Alex
> >>> El 12/03/2010 5:26, mdipierro escribi :
> >>>> I agree with most of what you say.
> >>>> 99.99% of apps use a single database and so will plugins. This is
> >>>> because they needs auth to do anything meaningful.
> >>>> I do not think it is a good idea to have plugins that depend on each
> >>>> other. dependencies are a mess to manage. In any language and any OS I
> >>>> ever used. plugins with dependencies are cause for trouble.
> >>>> But I agree that we may build groups of plugins that cooperate for
> >>>> some specific tasks (like share access to certain tables and or
> >>>> certain web services). This will happen for plugins geared toward
> >>>> specific types of apps so we should not over-engineer it now.
> >>>> I do not think we need a 2.0 for those things that you asked. We will
> >>>> get there in small steps and, at this point, I do not see why any of
> >>>> those improvements should be inconsistent with backward compatibility.
> >>>> What's your wish list for cache? I never heard anybody calling for a
> >>>> new cache system.
> >>>> Massimo
> >>>> On Mar 11, 9:02 pm, Alex Fanjul<>    wrote:
> >>>>> Very interesting and constructive IRC meeting, congrats to all. After
> >>>>> reading all text I have some comments:
> >>>>> - Most of the meeting (50% at least) was concerning about *how
> >>>>> many and
> >>>>> what databases should plugins have access to* seems the most
> >>>>> headache for all, BUT, I'm pretty sure that 99% of today real WEB
> >>>>> applications (and very complex ones) in world uses no more than 1
> >>>>> database: think of Magento's, Elgg's, Zimbra's, Active Collab's,
> >>>>> Twitter's, OpenBravo's, Wordpress's, Drupal's, etc. All of them
> >>>>> use only
> >>>>> ONE database (maybe clustered, spreaded, mirrored, etc. but ONE), and
> >>>>> many of them has very complex plugins systems. The "problem" here, is
> >>>>> that with web2py its very simple and easy to create a new
> >>>>> database: just
> >>>>> do "db=DAL(...)"... and many times we are even "confusing" (in the
> >>>>> right
> >>>>> sense) databases with tables... A game for us: Tell me more than 2
> >>>>> real
> >>>>> web applications using more than one database. A reflection: I
> >>>>> would be
> >>>>> very afraid if after installing 20 plugins (as I have in my latest
> >>>>> drupal installation) I bump into 20 (or 15 or 10 or even 5) new
> >>>>> databases in my phpmyadmin/pgadmin. Yea: be generic and assume all
> >>>>> posible cases... but....
> >>>>> I think Thadeusb was in the right direccion in some
> >>>>> comments...asumming
> >>>>> a worst case of ONE shared db for plugins. moreover this would
> >>>>> simplified things, right?
> >>>>> - "Turicas: should a plugin access other plugins' data?" -->    
> >>>>> "thadeusb:
> >>>>> Turicas: I would think no, because a plugin should be self
> >>>>> contained."
> >>>>> In this case I disagree, the plugins -for sure- should be able to
> >>>>> access
> >>>>> to other plugins data/functions, because as centralplugins grow
> >>>>> up, many
> >>>>> of them will be based on others to not reinvent the wheel, so *we
> >>>>> will
> >>>>> need a strong convention in exposing API for functions, objects,
> >>>>> etc.*
> >>>>> (think of a "plugin_most_active_users" based on thadeus
> >>>>> "plugin_commets").
> >>>>> - Finally I believe that a "heritance folder convention" where you
> >>>>> can
> >>>>> override/extend parents functionality/skins/models like the great
> >>>>> kohana's plugin system (someone mentioned) is the best way to
> >>>>> achive a
> >>>>> "easy" and "comprensible" plugin system. Yes, that would suppose a
> >>>>> big
> >>>>> change and probably a backward compatible inflexion point, but as
> >>>>> Massimo said, talk me about functionallity not about implementation.
> >>>>> Concerning this, and to be honest I'm always thinking of a Massimo
> >>>>> annunce saying: "Web2py 2.0 Released: the new easier, faster and even
> >>>>> more powerful python web framework with new DAL, new Plugin
> >>>>> System, new
> >>>>> Cache System, new CSS/Form system, etc. (ops but without 1.x backwark
> >>>>> compatibility sorry)", but it's just a dream :-P
> >>>>> Is there any new IRC appointment planned?
> >>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>> Alex
> >>>>> PD: excuse me for my english (as always)
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.
> >>>>>
> >>> --
> >>> Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.
> >>>
> --
> Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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