> A) Web2py is not popular, as evidenced by PyCon.

As I argued that is not a good measure of popularity.
Using google trends I estimate we have passed TG and CherryPy as

> C) Massimo appears angst ridden by the non inclusion of web2py at
> PyCon to a desired level. Regrettably this still needs to be properly
> resolved.

LOL. Not true. I just wish PyCon was organized as any of the "other"
conferences I go to. Where people submit papers and they are evaluated
by reviewers assigned blindly instead than by interested parties who
cherry pick what they want to review.

> D) However PyCon is frankly irrelevant and unimportant to web2py and
> to most of us.

Looking at growth of users I see a continuous exponential growth.
There is no jump associated to special events. This means that yes
PyCon is irrelevant as a means to achieve more popularity but it is
not irrelevant as a measure of such popularity. It is not a good
measure of popularity (as I argued above) but people perceive it as
such (you did for example).

Anyway. Please lets' stop brining up PyCon it is not healty.

> E) Projects that depend on a single person are risky, whether they be
> opens source projects or private propriety projects backed by multi
> billion dollar corpoation who issues warnings to investors they are
> dependent on key personnel.

web2py does not depend on a single person. There are at least 50
people here who really know how web2py works inside, have contributed
to it, and continue to improve it. If I were to go stop my involvement
(and it is not going to happen), they could pick up immediately.
Currently my job is not so much that of coding web2py as much as
keeping stuff out. Every one wants to push web2py is this or that
direction and, in order to keep it consistent with its original
philosophy sometime I have to say no. That is my job and I do not
believe this can be done efficiently by a committee.

> F) We cannot reasonably expect Massimo to keep up the pace he is. Also
> there appears to be little in the way of financial and academic reward
> for his efforts

Even if I did not it would not be a problem.

> G) Web2py is sufficiently different in style and and approach that the
> current skill level and interest does not exist to take the load off
> Massimo and let him just accept or reject patches. This appears to be
> the Linux model and to a certain extent the Python model. For example
> Guido do not write the new version of the GIL following the exposure
> of the 'Beazly Effect'.

Almost all of the changes I commit now are written by other people.
The logs reflect that.

> H) Massimo is now open to discussion about a foundation.

I am. I am always been. Although for different reasons that you want
it for. You advocate a legal entity for the purpose of deciding the
direction of web2py development. I do not. I advocate a legal entity
for the purpose of better serving users of the framework, not
developers.of the framework.

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