If I were you, I'd run a benchmark test with the current system and
the same application with web2py. But of course this means time. :)

On 26 Şubat, 04:42, Alfonso de la Guarda <alfons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Right now, i have a costumer in the news business in my country which
> expect, at least, 500000 hits by day in their website.  Currently they
> are using django as web framework but i wanna move some new apps to
> web2py.  The questions are:
> How can I convince them to agree to take the course for new projects web2py?
> There are statistics from sites with similar traffic web2py currently 
> employing?
> There is documentation of performance benchmarks among web2py, django,
> ROR or PHP?
> Someone has information, or has gone through the same problem?
> (A clarification: we have now developed small applications, but in
> this case we speak of a large number of hits per day and that means
> making a decision technically supported)
> Thanks in advance,
> --------------------------------
> Alfonso de la Guarda
> Centro Open Source(COS)http://www.cos-la.nethttp://alfonsodg.net
>    Telef. 991935157
> 1024D/B23B24A4
> 5469 ED92 75A3 BBDB FD6B  58A5 54A1 851D B23B 24A4

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