
Right now, i have a costumer in the news business in my country which
expect, at least, 500000 hits by day in their website.  Currently they
are using django as web framework but i wanna move some new apps to
web2py.  The questions are:

How can I convince them to agree to take the course for new projects web2py?
There are statistics from sites with similar traffic web2py currently employing?
There is documentation of performance benchmarks among web2py, django,
Someone has information, or has gone through the same problem?

(A clarification: we have now developed small applications, but in
this case we speak of a large number of hits per day and that means
making a decision technically supported)

Thanks in advance,

Alfonso de la Guarda
Centro Open Source(COS)
   Telef. 991935157
5469 ED92 75A3 BBDB FD6B  58A5 54A1 851D B23B 24A4

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