I also find your test site to be very responsive from here in Europe.

>>memorywise it is on the low side

Low side?  I think you need to have another chat with John Heenan,
I'll bet he's working off a floppy disk right now!  (Only kidding
John).  Anyhow each host (or instance) you set up has it *own*
slider,  you just increment it up or down in 256MB steps.  Big spike
expected on a new wiki page?  Just move the slider up and you're set!

After my own experience wrestling with EC2,  the backup 'checkbox' in
particular blew me away.

BTW speaking of speed,  that 'addtoany' widget was *really* slow the
other day.  I checked it in firebug and it took about 15s to initially
load.  It may give a bad first impression for a newcomer who blames
the delay on Web2py.  Maybe addtoany were just having a bad day...

--Regards, David

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