On Feb 12, 9:59 am, John Heenan <johnmhee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about web2py in a VPS using less than 40MB RAM?
> You can reduce web2py memory usage by using a newer generation web
> server with web2py instead of the internal web server with web2py.

Not really.

> Apache gets trashed in tests by newer generation web servers such as
> lightttpd and nginx.

Only for static file serving.

> Apache also uses far more memory.

For hosting a dynamic Python web application it doesn't have to. The
problem is that the majority of people have no clue about how to
configure Apache properly and will leave it as the default settings.
Worse, they load up PHP as well which forces use of prefork MPM which
compounds the problems.

> The reason is simple. Apache services each request with a thread.
> Nginx amd lightttpd service each request with an event model.

A WSGI application like web2py however isn't event based and requires
the threaded model. You are therefore still required to run web2py in
a threaded system, or at least a system which uses a thread pool on
top of an underlying thread system. Your arguments are thus moot, as
as soon as you have to do that, you end up with the same memory usage
profile issues as with Apache's threaded model.

> I only use lightttpd for static pages and to remap URLs.
> This is my memory usage with lighthttpd and web2py from command 'ps
> aux'.
> resident memory units are in KB
> virtual memory units are 1024 byte units
> lighttpd: resident memory 3660, virtual memory 59568
> python for web2py: resident memory 32816, virtual memory 225824

So, 32MB for web2py.

Now configure Apache with a comparable configuration, presumed single
process which is multithreaded and guess what, it will be pretty close
to 32MB still.

If you are stupid enough to leave Apache with prefork MPM because of
PHP and use embedded mode with mod_python or mod_wsgi, then of course
you will get up to 100 processes each of 32MB, because that is what
the PHP biased configuration will give.

Even in that situation you could used mod_wsgi daemon mode and shift
web2py to its own process, which means again that all it takes is
32MB. The memory of Apache server child process handling static and
proxying will still be an issue if using prefork, but if you ditch PHP
and change to worker MPM you can get away with a single or maybe two
such processes and drastically cut back memory usage.

For some background on these issues read:


Anyway, if you aren't up to configuring Apache properly, by all means
use lighttpd or nginx.


> This is the memory usage of a python console WITHOUT any imports:
> resident memory 3580, virtual memory 24316
> John Heenan
> On Feb 11, 10:30 pm, raven <ravenspo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > It seems that everyone is running with Apache and gobs of memory
> > available.

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