Hmmm...Interesting proposition.  A couple of questions first:

1) How will the plugin know what the instances of Auth,Crud,Mail and
DAL are named? Are auth,crud,mail and db pretty much reserved words
2) How would I let the user decide which db to put the tables in if
they have multiple? Do they have to edit the plugin?

On Nov 7, 3:57 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I think this is nice.
> If you now call that files models/ and if all tables
> have a prefix plugin_settings_*
> then you can distribute it as a
> Massimo
> On Nov 7, 3:22 pm, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> > I put this together to let non-developer admins manage settings
> > through appadmin.  It basically puts all settings that are string,
> > int, double or boolean in the database.  I would like feedback on the
> > perils/merits of doing this.
> >
> > Thanks!
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