On Oct 24, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:

> My only complaint about the web editor is it is buggy. Every once in  
> a while (like every 5 minutes) it will bug up, and not display the  
> code correctly, hard to explain so heres a screenshot
> http://static.thadeusb.com/web2py_web_editor.png
> I would use the web editor more often if that wouldn't happen.

I edit via a BBEdit project, mainly. That's one reason I don't find  
Massimo's plugin organization all that appealing, since the "virtual  
grouping" of plugin files by the administrative interface doesn't do  
anything for me.

I can accomplish of that sort manually in BBEdit by making a plugin a  
collection, but that' s manual process. I *think* I'd prefer that a  
plugin had more or less the same layout as an application, but I can't  
say that I've thought about it all that deeply (and I do see the  
advantages of putting the various pieces in existing directories).
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