
I'm developing an application that uses web2py for server and air+flex
for user interface. Also, I'm a newbie.
The query is related to this post: 

I'm trying to upload a video file through Flex. Now Flex will send the
request in this format:

    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Filedata";
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    ... contents of example.flv ...

I tried to use this code for upload:

def upload():
    uploads an flv file to server, creates a database entry for it.
    # reference: http://bit.ly/remoteupload
    return SQLFORM(db.videodata, fields=['flvcopy']).accepts
(request.vars, formname=None)

where "flvcopy" is the file upload field. However, this is creating a
new record with all fields as "None" and "flvcopy" having nothing (not
even None).

How do I match my server code to upload the given request?
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