mika, I do not understand your needs. If you want a first form where
the machine is selected and then you want some static content be
presented (information and details about that particular machine) I
think you need an ajax function which returns the html content you
need to show the details associated (other choices are also available
to get the same result). I have examples if you need that.

About example 33, I think you are right, code is about two input text
fields but it shows 2 select instead.


On 21 Set, 12:01, mika <miss.from.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your replies, they gave me some light..
> I have a question to example 33 - How it is working?? :)
> I mean how the values from db are put into SELECT, in code there's
> only
> declaration of form, and the fields are INPUTS (not SELECT)?
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