The only way I make it work is get two forms + one form to get back.
View: {{extend 'layout.html'}} {{if session.secao:}} Seção:      {{=db.secao[session.secao].nome}} {{=form_voltar}} <hr /><br /> {{=form}} {{else:}} {{=form_secao}} {{pass}} Controller: def enviar(): form_voltar = FORM(INPUT(_type='submit')) form_voltar.submit_button="Voltar" if form_voltar.accepts(request.vars, session): del session.secao secao = db(db.secao.site_id==2) form_secao = SQLFORM.factory( Field('secao', requires=IS_IN_DB(secao, '', '%(nome)s') ),submit_button='Enviar') if form_secao.accepts(request.vars, session): response.flash = 'Seção escolhida:' session.secao = form_secao.vars.secao #session.filename = form.vars.your_image elif form_secao.errors: response.flash = 'form has errors' return dict(form_secao=form_secao) db.artigo.situacao.writable=False db.artigo.situacao.readable=False db.artigo.secao_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(secao, '', '%(nome)s') db.artigo.secao_id.writable=False db.artigo.secao_id.readable=False db.artigo.secao_id.default=session.secao db.artigo.site_id.default=2 categoria = db(db.categoria.secao_id==session.secao) db.artigo.categoria_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(categoria, '', '%(nome)s') if request.vars: db.artigo.secao_id.default=session.secao form= SQLFORM(db.artigo,submit_button='Enviar artigo') if form.accepts(request.vars, session): response.flash= T('Seu artigo foi enviado') return dict(form=form,form_secao=form_secao,form_voltar=form_voltar) I think it could be improved, but I trying a better way yet. 2009/9/17 mika <> > > I have the following table: > > db.define_table('logicalmachines', > SQLField('physical_id',db.physicalmachines), > SQLField > ('description','string',length=50,unique=True), > SQLField('description_long', 'string'), > SQLField('last_audit_date','date'), > SQLField('os', db.cpe), > SQLField('dest_type','string',length=100), > SQLField('reaction_time','string'), > SQLField('other_software','string',length=500), > SQLField('other_security','string',length=500)) > > and I would like to create form which will have combo (i mean html > SELECT) > to select machines by description, and after making choice, the whole > information about machine > have presented > (generated by SQLForm?) I tried to find some example how to do it, but > nothing similar found. > Could you help me? > > Cheers, > mika > > > -- Atenciosamente -- ========================= Alexandre Andrade --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---