I agree w/ Massimo - consistency is important;  Massimo has selected a logo
and icon, and it is going to the publisher.

Perhaps at some later time we can collect new icon proposals for _this_

The confusion of multiple logos is probably not worth it.

Having said that, Fun logo - thanks for sharing the effort!  (I _love_
playing w/ logos ;-)

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 1:04 PM, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Listen, Massimo. The python is a powerful and gnarly beast that can
> easily strangle and eat corporate board members who try to overpower
> him. The fact that our python is also named Max isn't a coincidence.
> The fact that he has two real eyes and can count is telling. Let Max
> squeeze the anonymous orange corporate robot out of the picture and
> put Max's cute face on our website, instead!
> (I'm sorry people. It is my habit to try to leave the best for last,
> which makes me a bad salesman. I neglected to mention that our snake's
> name is Max and that he's tenacious.)
> # On an analytical note, it is often easier to ride someone else's
> coattails as a small fry than it is to blaze a new trail, especially
> when competition is fierce, as it is in this case. Python is a huge
> movement, web2py is small. Django & ROR are really big and have a big
> lead. web2py is the best python solution, Monty (I met John Cleese at
> a party, once) or not.
> >

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