somehow somewhere you have a IS_INT_IN_RANGE or IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE
validator for the string field.

On Aug 31, 11:06 am, tom_b <> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with a very simple use of referenced fields and
> the database administration UI.  I encountered it while working
> through the web2py manual downloaded from Lulo.  Here is the issue
> distilled:
> I create a new 'test' application, append the following to
> db.define_table('referenced',
>                 SQLField('referencedtext', 'string', length = 32))
> db.define_table('referencing',
>                 SQLField('DateOriginated', 'datetime',  notnull =
> True),
>                 SQLField('referencedtext', db.referenced))
> I insert a couple of records in the 'referenced' table at /test/
> appadmin/insert/db/referenced
>    referenced.referencedtext
> 1                     First_referenced
> 2                     2nd_Referenced
> I attempt to insert a record at /test/appadmin/insert/db/referencing
> by picking a DateOriginated and a 'referencedtext' from the drop-
> downs.
> This produces a red error message under the referencedtext that says
> "too small or too large!".
> I would appreciate advice on how to avoid this problem.  I am running
> Version 1.66.2 (2009-08-21 12:13:57)
> on Windows XP.
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