
Well, I try it on new version of web2py, and it can't install.

Can you provide a new package, using a new version of web2py?

2009/8/30 Alexandre Andrade <alexandrema...@gmail.com>

> Well, if the problem is host, I can host it
> 2009/8/29 Pynthon Pynthon <forumx...@gmail.com>
> True, it is more professional. Only problem is the hosting...
>> 2009/8/29 mr.freeze <nat...@freezable.com>
>>> Also, I think a web framework that eats it's own dog food is more
>>> convincing.
>>> On Aug 29, 1:34 pm, "mr.freeze" <nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
>>> > Whoops! I was looking at the topic count but I still think google
>>> > groups suck.  It seems like the search doesn't go back very far and
>>> > nothing is categorized so it's not a good reference.
>>> >
>>> > On Aug 29, 12:04 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:33 AM, mr.freeze wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > > Google is eating our messages.  It shows only 4625 messages.
>>>  Massimo
>>> > > > does that many in a week :)  web2py should use pyforum instead and
>>> > > > take back control!
>>> >
>>> > > Are you sure? When I looked just now <
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py?hl=en
>>> > >  >, it had 29347 messages. I haven't noticed any dropped messages; I
>>> > > wonder if perhaps somebody's spam filter isn't doing the eating (in
>>> > > which case switching pyforum isn't going to help).
>> >>
> --
> Atenciosamente
> --
> =========================
> Alexandre Andrade
> Hipercenter.com


Alexandre Andrade

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