#7 is possible. Just have to dig a little.
Plus it is not very necessary to do because now there is custom crud.

As for #5: We should all be glad that web2py is not trying to be a
'real ORM'.
The 'real ORM' concept has been proven to be a failure and was
obviously a silly idea from the very beginning.

On Aug 29, 8:03 pm, Julio <ju...@techfuel.net> wrote:
> For #1, I'd suggest you visit an entry I have in my (web2py-built)
> blog:http://www.julioflores.com/zblog/blog/view/20- web2py can very
> well be "debugged" real time, with variable scoping, stack data,
> breakpoints, etc, etc, literally as you would run a webapp in .Net
> (you just need to get the right tools)..
> Julio
> On Aug 29, 4:15 pm, Scott Hunter <shun...@nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> > A colleague has lodged the following complaints about web2py, and I'd
> > like to run my responses by this group in order to correct/strengthen
> > those responses.
> > Complaint #1: No real-time debugging (i.e. proper step-debugging in a
> > real IDE)
> > Response #1: web2py, being a framework, does not include a full-blown
> > IDE, but it doesn't preclude your using your favorite IDE.
> > Complaint #2: No proper logging mechanism for modules.  (Related:
> > web2py is pathetic at third-party module integration)
> > Response #2: Again, nothing in web2py precludes using python's logging
> > facility.  (And I've had no problem getting it to play nice with PIL
> > and some other modules, so I'm not sure what the complaint is here.)
> > Complaint #3: Having to do strange things (like double-imports and
> > reloads) to pick up run-time changes in my module.  (This may be where
> > the complaint about 3rd party modules comes from.)
> > Response #3: I believe the issue here is that there is a module which
> > is being developed/debugged, but changes to it aren't getting picked-
> > up without re-starting the application (or doing "strange things").
> > Were the module being developed located inside web2py during
> > development, then I believe edits would get picked up immediately.
> > Complaint #4: web2py will not let me handle my own form, considering I
> > don't want to use web2py's ORM to talk to my data
> > Response #4: There is NOTHING in web2py the prevents you from using
> > your own form.
> > Complaint #5: It's not a real ORM, because there is entirely 'zero'
> > configuration like a real ORM has. It's a database-to-HTML-form
> > management system, not an object-relational management system.
> > Response #5: White it has features to facilitate HTML form management,
> > it certainly seems to map records to objects...
> > Complant #6: web2py will only let you process a web2py form if it was
> > created in the controller
> > Response #6: while a from OBJECT must be created in the controller,
> > the actual form need not be.
> > Complaint #7: web2py won't let me loop over keys in their custom dict
> > () structure (called Storage) in order to circumvent the FORM and
> > SQLFORM issues in #5 above
> > Response #7: ?
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > - Scott
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