Well done M!

On Aug 26, 10:34 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> The new web2py book is available on lulu.com
>      http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/web2py/4968879
> Lots of new stuff with100 more pages (341 pages in total). Covers
> Auth, Crud, Services, interaction with Pyjamas, PyAMF, and better
> deployment recipes.
> Same price as before ($12.5) and same ID (which means if you bought
> the old one you should be able to get the new one for free).
> I am also looking into posting it on scribd (free viewing but no
> download) and it will be published printed by Wiley soon.
> Thanks to all those who collaborated by sending corrections. I hope I
> acknowledged everybody properly in the introduction. If I forgot you
> let me know.
> Massimo
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