
I can confirm Jason's experience.  Even though you can download the
same product more than once in My Downloads, it appears that Lulu does
somehow know the difference between versions of a product independent
of the ID.

Personally, I don't mind paying the cost for a new version, but I can
see where if you bought in the last few months, it would makes sense
to receive some kind of discount.

Lulu appears to have a Coupon code mechanism.  I was curious if that
might be a way to allow for those who purchased recently or even this
whole Group to purchase a discount of some sort?  Not sure how robust
the feature set is in regards to time related discounts and even how
much control authors have over this, but I thought I would mention it
all the same.


On Aug 26, 6:09 am, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nope.  It billed my account. :D
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 03:02 -0700, mdipierro wrote:
> > No I am not sure. Somebody told me that was the case.
> > On Aug 26, 4:48 am, carlo <syseng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Same price as before ($12.5) and same ID (which means if you bought
> > > > the old one you should be able to get the new one for free).
> > > Are you sure about that? Though I bought the first edition I do not
> > > see any way to get the second for free, thank you
> > > carlo
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